Model 1503 Owner's
while you are programming, simply
press the CANCEL key to get back to
the status display. Then you can
see which alarm is sounding and
disarm the system. It is recom-
mended that you program the system
with the security system OFF.
When you program your system,
programs are stored in a type of
memory called battery backed RAM in
the Model 1503 Control/Communica-
tor. These programs will not be
lost even if AC power fails, even
if the battery is dead (but not
disconnected). You will not have to
reprogram your system every time
there is a power failure.
The Model 1503 will hold up to
256 programs. The console will
indicate “PROGRAM SPACE FULL” if
you try to enter more than 256
Programming home control and
security functions is exactly like
turning unit numbers on and off,
bright, dim, etc., except you press
the PROG key first to tell the
Model 1503 that you want to program
this command instead of executing
it now. Then you enter the command,
just as you do when you are not
programming, then you enter a time
and a date or days of the week that
you want it to happen.
The console will then display
the program that you have created,
at which point you can press ENTER
to store it in memory, or CANCEL to
start over at the PROGRAM menu.
How to Program will be demon-
strated by the following examples.
Please follow the example on your
console. These examples assume that
you have modules set to unit number
2 (Front Porch Light), 4 (Bedroom
Light) and an energy saver module
on unit 17, that Today’s date is
November 8 (11/08) and that the
current time is mid afternoon. The
security mode should be OFF.
One time programs run once, then
delete themselves from memory after
they run. One time programs are
programmed by time and a day of the
year. Three examples are given.
EXAMPLE 1. Program unit 4 (BEDROOM
LIGHT) on at 6:00 PM today (11/08).
Press the PROG key.
The display will read “PROGRAM:”
the bottom line will read “HC SEC
*BUTTON 0-200” to indicate that you
can now press one of the Home Con-
trol keys, one of the SECurity
keys, the * key for BUTTONS, or
keypad keys 0 - 200.
Press the UNIT-NUMBER key.
The display now reads “UNIT
#:”, the bottom line will read “1 -
128 ON OFF TIM *LO #HI” to indicate
what you can press next.
Press 4 (or the SHOW key 4 times), then