Home Automation, Inc.
To turn on all light modules, press the
ALL key, then the ON key.
The console will beep, and a
command will be sent that turns all
LAMP MODULES on. Note that lamp
modules that are currently dimmed
will remain at the same intensity;
they will not get brighter. Appli-
ance Modules do not respond when
the ALL LIGHTS ON command is sent.
Only unit numbers 1 - 16 (and 81
- 96 on the Version 2) respond to
the ALL-ON command.
Note: The ALL ON and ALL OFF
functions can be changed, if de-
To turn off all modules, including lamp
and appliance modules, press the ALL
key then the OFF key.
Only unit numbers 1 - 16 (and 81
- 96 on the Version 2) respond to
the ALL-OFF command.
Note: On Model 1503 Version 2
systems, you can set modules that
you do NOT want controlled by ALL
ON and ALL OFF commands to the
third and fourth X-10 house codes,
(units 97 - 128).
The timed on/off commands allow
a control output to be turned on or
off for a specified period of time.
Note: Only lamp modules and wall
switch modules marked “for incan-
descent lamps only” will respond to
dim and brighten commands.
To dim a unit, press the UNIT-NUMBER
key, then enter the unit number (or
scroll to it using the SHOW and SET-UP
keys) then press the * key on the
The console display top line
will read “UNIT NAME DIMMER” (unit
name being the description of the
unit number you entered) and the
bottom line will read “1-9 (STEPS
Press a number, 1 - 9 to indicate how
much you want to dim the unit number.
1 is a little dimmer, 9 is a lot
dimmer. Usually, 2 or 3 steps is
best. The console will beep and the
light will be dimmed.
To brighten a light, press the UNIT
NUMBER key; enter the desired unit
number; press the # key on the keypad
for BRIGHTER, then enter the number of
steps to brighten the light.
A lamp module that is OFF will
come on to full intensity when a
dim command is received, then dim
the number of steps that you en-
A lamp module that is dimmed all
the way down, so that it looks OFF,
is not actually off, and will not
respond to an ON command. It should
either be brightened or turned OFF
then ON to restore full intensity.