Home Automation 1503 Home Security System User Manual

Home Automation, Inc.
exit the program menu and return to the
time, date and status display. Now
press SHOW, PROG, UNIT-NUMBER, 4 (or
the SHOW key 4 times), ENTER. BEDROOM
LIGHT ON 6:00 PM 11/08 should be
shown on the display. (See
for more information on this
function.) Press CANCEL to return to
the TIME, DATE and STATUS display.
The system automatically calcu-
lates the time of sunrise and sun-
set each day. (See SET-UP, MISC.)
Sunrise/sunset can be specified as
the time a scheduling command is
To display the calculated time of
sunrise or sunset, at the time, date
and status display press the AM (for
sunrise) or PM (for sunset) key.
The requested time will be dis-
played for three seconds then the
system will return to the time,
date and status display.
When entering a time, the AM or
PM key may be pressed before any
numbers are entered to specify that
the calculated time of sunrise or
sunset for that day should be used
for the time.
EXAMPLE 2. Program Unit 2 (front
porch light) OFF at SUNRISE tomor-
row (11/09).
From the time, date and status
display (press CANCEL to get there,
you may have to press CANCEL twice
depending on where you were)
The display will now read “BED-
ROOM LIGHT ON - 12:00 AM 11/08
*IF”. This is the program that you
are preparing to enter, which is,
Turn BEDROOM LIGHT On at 12:00 AM
on date 11/08.
The Model 1503 assumes the time
of 12:00 AM, and uses todays date
as a default for the program date.
The *IF is for conditionals. Ig-
nore it for now.
Press the TIME key to change the time.
The display will read TIME: 12:00 AM -
HHMM AM PM. Press 6, 0, 0, PM.
NOTE: On Model 1503 systems us-
ing 24 hour format, enter the 24
hour time then press ENTER. For
example, 1, 8, 0, 0, ENTER.
The display now reads “BEDROOM
LIGHT ON 6:00 PM 11/08”.
If you wish to change the time
again, you can press the time key
again and re-enter the time. You
can exit the programming mode at
any time by pressing CANCEL. The
program you were working on will
not be entered into memory.
Since 6:00 PM is what we want, press
The console beeps to indicate
that the program has been stored
and returns to the PROGRAM menu to
allow you to program the next item.
Unit number 4 (BEDROOM LIGHT)
will now be turned on at 6:00 PM
today. When it does, the program
that you entered will automatically
be deleted from memory, since it
was a one time program.