Model 1503 Owner's
When you are finished, press CANCEL
twice to return to the time, date and
status display.
There is an alternative way to
control energy saver modules using
the UNIT-NUMBER key.
To turn energy saver module 17 off,
press UNIT-NUMBER, 1, 7, OFF.
To turn energy saver module 18 on,
press UNIT-NUMBER, 1, 8, ON.
To change the LO temperature of energy
saver module 17 to 65 degrees, press
UNIT-NUMBER, 1, 7, *, 6, 5, ENTER.
To change the HI temperature of energy
saver module 17 to 85 degrees, press
UNIT-NUMBER, 1, 7, #, 8, 5, ENTER.
To view the status of energy saver
module 17, press UNIT-NUMBER, 1, 7,
ENTER. At this point, you may then
enter ON, OFF, *, or # to enter one of
the commands shown above, or CANCEL if
no change is desired.
If you change the LO or HI set-
back temperature, the system will
insure that there is always at
least four degrees difference be-
tween the LO and HI temperatures by
altering the other setback tempera-
ture as necessary. Note also that
PESMs are NOT affected by ALL ON or
ALL OFF commands.
PESMs can also be used to alarm
potential freeze conditions before
damage to pipes and appliances can
occur. An alarm will be generated
if a temperature below 40 degrees
is detected by any PESM in the
system. The alarm will not clear
until the temperature exceeds 45
When the alarm is initiated, the
console beeper will be turned on
and an alarm dialout sequence will
be initiated after the normal
dialout delay. Both voice and digi-
tal communicator dialouts may be
used. The voice dialout will follow
the FREEZE ALARM ORDER as specified
in SET-UP DIAL. The digital commu-
nicator will report the FREEZE
ALARM CODE to the Central Station.
Inside and outside sirens are
not activated for freeze alarms.
A special version of the Model
1101 PESM is available which may be
mounted outdoors to read the out-
door temperature. The zone used for
the outdoor PESM is set up as an
outdoor temperature zone type,
rather than as a programmable en-
ergy saver module zone type. When
set up this way, the corresponding
auxiliary output is not dedicated
to the PESM and may be used for
other purposes. Also, freeze alarms
will not be generated by the out-
door temperature.
If the outdoor PESM is connected to
zone 19, the outdoor temperature may be
displayed by pressing UNIT-NUMBER, 1,