Home Automation 1503 Home Security System User Manual

Model 1503 Owner's
a. Console(s) - The console has
a liquid crystal display (LCD)
and a keypad to control the en-
tire system. You may have 1 to 4
consoles in a system. Each con-
sole works independently of the
others. Consoles can be mounted
flush in the wall or in a wooden
enclosure for table top or bed-
side use.
b. Keypad(s) - The optional key-
pad is a simplified control key-
pad for the system. It has LED
indicators and can arm and dis-
arm the system into any security
mode and activate any of the
macro buttons. The Keypad is
designed to be mounted next to
doors where the full Console
functions are not needed.
c. Control/Communicator - This
is the white enclosure, approx.
14H x 12W x 6D inches, that con-
tains the brains of the system.
All wiring to consoles, doors,
windows and motion detectors
goes to this enclosure, which is
normally mounted in a closet or
utility room.
d. Door contacts, window con-
tacts, motion detectors, smoke/
fire detectors, etc. These de-
vices indicate the presence of
intruders or fire to the con-
e. Interior Sounder and Outdoor
Horn - These devices alert you
and neighbors to the presence of
an intruder or fire.
This section describes your sys-
tem. It is recommended that you
read this section to understand the
terms in the following sections.
This Owner's Manual covers two
1. Model 1503 Version 2
2. Model 1503-LC
The Model 1503-LC is a “lite”
Model 1503 Version 2. The -LC has
all of the major features of the
Version 2, but is not expandable.
The Model 1503-LC version is iden-
tical to the Model 1503 Version 2
except for the following features:
a. The LC does not support the
Model 1102 Expansion Enclosure.
b. The LC can control 16 X-10
modules instead of 64.
c. The LC does not have the
Voice Message feature.
d. The LC Voice dialer does not
say the address of the premises,
only the phone number. The Digi-
tal dialer still reports all
Differences in models are noted
in this manual.
Your Model 1503 system consists
of the following components: