Galil DMC-1800 Home Security System User Manual

64 • Chapter 4 - Software Tools and Communications DMC-1700/1800
To use this example, start a new Visual Basic project, place a Text Box and a Command Button on a Form, add the
DMCCOM40.BAS module, and type the following code:
Dim m_nController As Integer
Dim m_hDmc As Long
Dim m_nRetCode As Long
Dim m_nResponseLength As Long
Dim m_sResponse As String * 256
Private Sub Command1_Click()
m_nRetCode = DMCCommand(m_hDmc, "TPX", m_sResponse, m_nResponseLength)
Text1.Text = Val(m_sResponse)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
m_nResponseLength = 256
m_nController = 1
m_nRetCode = DMCOpen(m_nController, 0, m_hDmc)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
m_nRetCode = DMCClose(m_hDmc)
End Sub
‘m_nController’ is the number for the controller in the Galil registry.
‘m_hDmc’ is the DMC handle used to identify the controller. It is returned by DMCOpen.
‘m_nRetCode’ is the return code for the routine.
‘m_nResponseLength’ is the response string length which must be set to the size of the response string.
‘m_sResponse’ is the string containing the controller response to the command.