NOTE: For installation of inputs and field installed
accessories, refer to the appropriate sections.
Input 3
This input is a discrete input and can be configured to be
one of five different inputs: No Function, Compressor
Safety, Fan Status, Filter Status, or Remote Occupancy.
This input can also be c onfigured to be either Normally
Open (N/O) or Normally Closed (N/C). Input 3 is factory
wired to pin J1--2. Field accessories get wired to its
paral lel pin J5-- 5. Do not connect inputs to both locations,
one function per input.
Factory Default = Compressor Safety and N/O
NOTE: Compressor Safety input comes from the CLO
board. J1-- 2 is always factory wired to TB1--8 (X) terminal
on the unit. If the unit has a CLO board, do not configure
input 3 for anything but Compressor Safety.
Input 5
This input is a discrete input and can be configured to be
one of five different inputs: No Funct ion, Fire Shutdown,
Fan Status, Filter Status, or Remote Occupancy. This
input can also be configured to be either Normall y Open
(N/O) or Normally Closed (N/C). Input 5 is factory wired
to pin J1--10. Field accessories get wired to its parallel pin
J5--3. Do not connect inputs to both locations, one
function per input.
Factory Default = Fire Shutdown and N/C
NOTE: Fire Shutdown input comes from TB4--7. J1--10
is always factory wired to TB4--7. Only change input 5s
function if absolutely needed.
Input 8
This input is a discrete input and can be configured to be
one of five different inputs: No Function, Enthalpy
Switch, Fan Status, Filter Status, or Remote Occupancy.
This input can also be c onfigured to be either Normally
Open (N/O) or Normally Closed (N/C). Input 8 is factory
wired to pin J2--6. Field accessories get wired to its
paral lel pin J5-- 1. Do not connect inputs to both locations,
one function per input.
Factory Default = No Function and N/O
Input 9
This input is a discrete input and can be configured to be
one of five different inputs: No Function, Humidistat, Fan
Status, Filter Status, or Remote Occupancy. This input can
also be configured to be either Normally Open (N/O) or
Normally Closed (N/C). Input 9 is factory and field wired
to pin J5--7. Do not c onnect inputs to both locations, one
function per input.
Factory Default = Humidistat and N/O
Space Sensor Type
This tells the controlle r what type of space sensor is
installed to run the unit. The three types that can be used
are the T55 space sensor, the T56 spac e sensor, or the RS
space sensor.
Factory Default = T55 Type
Input 1 Function
This input is an analog input and can be configured to be
one of five different inputs: No Sensor, IAQ Sensor, OAQ
Sensor, Space RH Sensor, or Outdoor RH Sensor. Input 1
Factory Default = No Sensor
Input 2 Function
This input is an analog input and can be configured to be
one of five different inputs: No Sensor, IAQ Sensor, OAQ
Sensor, Space RH Sensor, or Outdoor RH Sensor. Input 2
Factory Default = No Sensor
Setpoint Slider Range
This sets the slider range of the space sensor (with this
built in function). The slider is used to offset the current
control setpoint.
Factory Default = 5 n_F
Range = 0--15 n_F
T55/56 Override Duration
This sets the occupancy override duration when the
override button is pushed on the space sensor.
Factory Default = 1 hr
Range = 0--24 hr
IAQ Low Reference @ 4mA
This is used when an IAQ sensor is installed on Input 1 or
2. This value is displayed and used when 4mA is seen at
the input.
Factory Default = 0 PPM
Range = 0--400 PPM
IAQ High Reference @ 20mA
This is used when an IAQ sensor is installed on Input 1 or
2. This value is displa yed and use d when 20mA i s seen at
the input.
Factory Default = 2000 PPM
Range = 0--5000 PPM
NOTE: IAQ low Reference @ 4mA and IAQ High
Refere nce @ 20m A are used to set the linear curve of mA
vs. PPM.
OAQ Low Reference @ 4mA
This is used when an OAQ sensor is instal led on Input 1
or 2. This value is displayed and used when 4mA is seen
at the input.
Factory Default = 0 PPM
Range = 0--400 PPM
OAQ High Reference @ 20mA
This is used when an OAQ sensor is instal led on Input 1
or 2. This value is displayed and used when 20mA is seen
at the input.
Factory Default = 2000 PPM
Range = 0--5000 PPM
NOTE: OAQ low Reference @ 4mA and OAQ High
Refere nce @ 20m A are used to set the linear curve of mA
vs. PPM.