and ZN.510
58 UNT-IOM-6
Table 20. Fresh Air Damper Stays Open
Probable Cause Explanation
Normal Operation The controller opens and closes the fresh air damper based on the controllers
occupancy mode and fan status. Normally, the fresh air damper is open during
occupied mode when the fan is running and closed during unoccupied mode.
Manual Output Test The controller includes a manual output test sequence that verifies analog and
binary output operation and associated wiring. However, based on the current
step in the test sequence, the fresh air damper may be open. Refer to the
Manual Output Test section on page 51.
Unit Configuration The controller must be properly configured based on the actual installed end
devices and application. When the unit configuration does not match the actual
end device, the damper may not work correctly.
Unit Wiring The wiring between the controller outputs and the fresh air damper must be
present and correct for normal damper operation. Refer to the typical unit wiring
diagrams in the Appendix of this manual.