97663032 A
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The read ahead option is system dependent. Ensure that you check
with your system analyst before setting this option.
When enabled, the read ahead option uses the data buffer (12.8 MBytes) to store data sectors read from
the disk beyond those sectors requested by the host. Subsequent sequential sectors will be read directly
from the buffer instead of incurring the latency time it takes to access sequential sectors. (Refer to the
LD 8100/ LF 8120/ LF 8600/ LF 8602 SCSI Interface Specification, P/N 97662164.)
The CDE Curs (Controller Detected Error) option enables a blinking solid cursor in the rightmost character
location of the DOC panel when a CDE has occurred. In most system installations, the host system will
recover from reported CDE's and no user intervention is required. A developer may wish to enable this
indicator during system development or installation.
Perform the following procedure to turn CDE Curs on or off:
1. Enter the Configuration mode by pressing both the LOAD/MENU and TEST/SELECT
switches simultaneously.
2. Press the MENU switch until "Set Config" is displayed.
3. Press the SELECT switch to enter the Set Configuration menu.
4. Press the MENU switch until "CDE Curs:" is displayed.
5. Press the SELECT switch to scroll through the states for CDE Curs (off, on). When the
desired state is displayed, press MENU to enter the state and move to the next option in the
Set Configuration menu.
6. Simultaneously press the LOAD/MENU and TEST/SELECT switches to move up to the main
menu. Simultaneously press the LOAD/MENU and TEST/SELECT switches again to exit
Configuration mode.