Alarm Control
Alarm Selection
To control alarm behaviors, you need to select a desired
alarm number.
1. Select a desired alarm number by pressing the numer-
ic buttons.
2. Press the ALARM/ALM SUSPEND button.
The current status of selected alarm will be displayed
on the LCD.
Armed: The system is armed for alarm response.
Active: Alarm has been triggered and activated
assigned alarm response.
Ack: Alarm is acknowledged and an operator can con-
trol the alarm action.
Reset: Activated alarm is reset, but the alarm device is
still active.
Disarm: The system is disarmed for alarm response.
Clear: Auto arming is not set in the admin console.
3. To select the next alarm number, press the + button.
To select the previous alarm number, press the – but-
Alarm Arming Control
1. Select a desired alarm. (Refer to Alarm Selection.)
2. Every time you press the ALARM/ALM SUSPEND but-
ton, the selected alarm will be armed or disarmed.
When an alarm is disarmed, the LCD display will
become as follows.
3. To exit the alarm mode, press the CLEAR button. The
LCD display will become as follows.
Example of Alarm Input and
Resulting Alarm Activation
The following is an example of an alarm input and the
resulting alarm activation.
● Basic Setup
Note: Refer to the Admin Console User's Guide for details
on setup.
• Alarm Input #1 activates Gseq (Group Sequence) #1
as Alarm Action #0. The Group Sequence has priority
• Monitor #1, #2, #3 and #4 are assigned to run the
• The target monitor is Monitor #5. The images are dis-
played in the hold mode.
• Monitor #5 displays the images of Camera #5 in spot
● Alarm Behaviors
1. Alarm #1 is activated.
2. Monitor #5 displays the alarm indication "ALM", "A1"
(Alarm #1), and "-0" (Action #0) to indicate that Alarm
#1 is activated. (Refer to the illustration.)
3. Gseq (Group Sequence) #1 runs on Monitor #1, #2, #3
and #4 with the lowest priority (Refer to the illustration.).
4. You will select Alarm #1.
5. You will press the ALARM/ALM SUSPEND button, and
then press the ALM RESET/ALM ALL RESET button.
Alarm #1 will be reset, and "ALM" will disappear from
Monitor #5. (However, GSeq #1 continues to run on the
6. To stop the sequence on the monitors, you will select
one of the monitors by pressing the MON (ESC) button.
Then, you will press the STOP button.