User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 23 Configuring Network Address Translation
NAT Policies on Cisco IOS Routers
Disabling the Payload Option for Overlapping Networks
Overlapping networks result when you assign an IP address to a device on your network that is already
legally owned and assigned to a different device on the Internet or outside network. Overlapping
networks can also result after the merger of two companies using RFC 1918 IP addresses in their
networks. These two networks need to communicate, preferably without your having to re-address all
their devices.
This communication is achieved as follows. The outside device cannot use the IP address of the inside
device because it is the same as the address assigned to itself (the outside device). Instead, the outside
device sends a Domain Name System (DNS) query for the inside device’s domain name. The source of
this query is the IP address of the outside device, which is translated to an address from a designated
address pool. The DNS server located on the inside network replies with the IP address associated with
the inside device’s domain name in the data portion of the packet. The destination address of the reply
packet is translated back to the outside device’s address, and the address in the data portion of the reply
packet is translated to an address from a different address pool. In this way, the outside device learns that
Advanced This section contains optional, advanced translation options.
Note The Advanced options are available only when the Specify IP option
is the selected method for defining the translated address(es).
• No Alias – When selected, disables automatic aliasing for the global IP
address translation.
If the NAT pool used as an inside global pool consists of addresses on
an attached subnet, an alias is generated for that address so that the
router can answer Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) requests for those
When deselected, global address aliases are permitted.
• No Payload – When selected, prohibits an embedded address or port in
the payload from being translated.
The payload option performs NAT between devices on overlapping
networks that share the same IP address. When an outside device sends
a DNS query to reach an inside device, the local address inside the
payload of the DNS reply is translated to a global address according to
the relevant NAT rule.
You can disable this feature by selecting the No Payload option.
Otherwise, embedded addresses and ports in the payload may be
translated. See Disabling the Payload Option for Overlapping Networks,
page 23-9 for more information.
• Create Extended Translation Entry – When checked, extended
translation entries (addresses and ports) are created in the translation
table. This lets you associate multiple global addresses with a single
local address. This is the default.
When this option is deselected, simple translation entries are created,
allowing association of a single global address with the local address.
Note This option is not available when Static Port is the chosen rule type.
Table 23-2 Add/Edit NAT Static Rule Dialog Boxes (Continued)
Element Description