
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 29 Managing Remote Access VPNs: The Basics
Using the Remote Access VPN Configuration Wizard
regardless of the device to which it is assigned. For example, if you use the object with device, Security Manager still uses
“DfltGrpPolicy” in the configuration.
Note Although these default connection profiles use the DfltCustomization object for SSL VPN
portal customization, Security Manager does not discover it. To modify DfltCustomization,
you must do so directly on the device. However, you can simply create your own
customization object and specify it in the default connection profile to use non-default
Related Topics
Discovering Policies, page 5-12
Site-To-Site VPN Discovery, page 24-19
VPN Discovery Rules, page 24-21
Using the Remote Access VPN Configuration Wizard
You can use the Remote Access VPN Configuration wizard to create the policies required to configure
a basic IPsec or SSL VPN. The wizard provides simplified options to configure the basic settings. Thus,
after using the wizard, you might need to configure additional settings in the individual remote access
VPN policies.
Tip The wizard never creates a valid IKEv2 IPSec VPN. You must always configure additional policies to
complete an IKEv2 configuration.
Depending on the device type and VPN type (IPSec or SSL), the wizard takes you through the steps to
configure a basic remote access VPN.
To access the Remote Access Configuration wizard:
1. In Device view, select the device to configure as your remote access server from the Device selector.
2. Select Remote Access VPN > Configuration Wizard from the Policy selector.
3. Select the radio button corresponding to the type of remote access VPN you want to create: Remote
Access SSL VPN or Remote Access IPSec VPN.
4. Click Remote Access Configuration Wizard to open the appropriate wizard.
For detailed information on how to use each version of the wizard, see the following topics:
Creating SSL VPNs Using the Remote Access VPN Configuration Wizard (ASA Devices),
page 29-14
Creating IPSec VPNs Using the Remote Access VPN Configuration Wizard (ASA and PIX 7.0+
Devices), page 29-24
Creating SSL VPNs Using the Remote Access VPN Configuration Wizard (IOS Devices),
page 29-31
Creating IPSec VPNs Using the Remote Access VPN Configuration Wizard (IOS and PIX 6.3
Devices), page 29-35