User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 33 Configuring Policy Objects for Remote Access VPNs
Add or Edit User Group Dialog Box
Navigation Path
Open the User Group Dialog Box—IOS Client VPN Software Update, page 33-65, then click Add Row,
or select an item in the table and click Edit Row.
Related Topics
• Add or Edit User Group Dialog Box, page 33-58
Field Reference
User Group Dialog Box—Advanced PIX Options
The Advanced PIX Options are specifically for PIX 6.3 Firewalls in your user group.
Note These settings apply in Easy VPN and remote access VPN configurations.
Navigation Path
Select Advanced Options (PIX) from the table of contents in the Add or Edit User Group Dialog Box,
page 33-58.
Field Reference
Table 33-49 Add or Edit Client Update Dialog Box
Element Description
System Type The platform on which the IOS VPN client operates.
• All Windows (Default)—This option includes any Windows
platform for which a VPN client is available.
• Macintosh OS X
IOS Image URL Enter the URL from where the client can be downloaded. The URL
must start with http:// or https://.
IOS VPN Client Revisions Enter the revision level of the VPN client. You can specify more than
one client revision separated by commas.
Table 33-50 User Group Dialog Box—Advanced PIX Options
Element Description
User Idle Timeout (sec) The length of time that a VPN tunnel can remain open without user
activity, in seconds. Values range from 60-86400 seconds.
User Authentication Server The AAA server to which remote devices send user authentication
requests. Enter the name of the server group or click Select to select it
from a list or to create a new group. See Understanding AAA Server
and Server Group Objects, page 6-24.