
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 65 Managing Cisco Catalyst Switches and Cisco 7600 Series Routers
Interface Auto Name Generator Dialog Box, page 59-12
Understanding FlexConfig Policies and Policy Objects, page 7-2
Understanding Interface Role Objects, page 6-67
Field Reference
Table 65-7 Create and Edit Interface Dialog Boxes—Dynamic Mode
Element Description
Enable Interface When selected, enables the interface.
When deselected, disables the interface using the shutdown command.
Type Specifies whether the definitions apply to an interface or a subinterface.
For details about defining a subinterface, see Create and Edit Interface
Dialog Boxes—Subinterfaces, page 65-22.
Name (Select button) Displays the generated interface name, if the name has been set.
Click Select to open the Interface Auto Name Generator Dialog Box,
page 59-12. From here, you can enter or edit the details that Security
Manager uses to generate an interface name.
Mode The port configuration type for this interface.
Select Dynamic to display the configuration options that are relevant
for dynamic ports.
Dynamic Port settings
Dynamic Mode The dynamic trunk mode:
Auto—Allows the port to convert the link to a trunk link. The port
becomes a trunk port if the neighboring port is set to Trunk or
Desirable mode.
Desirable—Makes the port actively attempt to convert the link to a
trunk link.
Access VLAN ID The access VLAN ID to use when the port does not function as a
trunking link. This can occur when the neighboring interface is not set
to trunk, auto, or desirable mode.
Valid values range from 1 to 4094.