
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 68 Health and Performance Monitoring
HPM Window
Table Columns: VPN-related Views
You can customize the tables presented in the Monitoring pane for the VPN-related views by hiding and
showing various columns of information; the columns available for display depend on the particular
The order of the entries in the Choose Columns to Display dialog box reflects the ordering of the
columns when displayed. (However, the ordering of the rows in the following table does not necessarily
reflect ordering of the columns as displayed.) See Showing and Hiding Table Columns, page 68-8 for
information about opening the Choose Columns to Display dialog box.
The following table presents all available data columns for the VPN-related Monitoring views: Remote
Access Users (RA), Site-to-Site Tunnels (S2S), VPN Summary, and all custom views based on these
system views. Some of the listed columns are not available for specific views, as indicated.
Syn Attack Dropped Packets Firewall Number of packets dropped because of SYN
flooding. Available only at cluster level for ASA
clusters; not available for individual nodes.
Total Interface Dropped
Firewall Total number of dropped packets on all interfaces.
Available only at cluster level for ASA clusters;
not available for individual nodes.
Note You can view the number of per-interface
dropped packets on the tabbed Interface
panel presented in the detail section for the
selected device.
Analysis Engine Memory
IPS Percentage of memory assigned to the Analysis
Engine currently in use.
Role in Cluster Firewall The role of this member of an ASA load-balancing
cluster: Cluster, Master, or Slave.
A cluster is managed by Security Manager as a
single device with multiple nodes. Thus, each
cluster is displayed in HPM as single entry, which
you can expand in order to view a list of nodes.
* All of these columns are available in the All Devices and Priority Devices views.
Table 68-1 Available Table Columns for Device-related Views (Continued)
Column Name Available in View
Table 68-2 Available Table Columns for VPN-related Views
Column Name Available in View Description
Receive Time RA, S2S, VPN
Poll date and time for this entry (format is:
day-of-week MMM DD HH:MM:SS
your-time-zone YYYY).
Firewall Name RA, S2S, VPN
Name of this device, as provided in the Security
Manager inventory. Column-based Filtering,
page 68-15 is available.
User Name RA User log-in name used to establish this session.
Column-based Filtering, page 68-15 is available.