
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 70 Using Image Manager
Working with Jobs
If Parallel is selected, then all the devices till that batch will undergo image upgrade. All devices
from the next batch onwards will be aborted.
Retry a Failed Image Install Job
If your attempts to deploy an image to one or more devices fails, you can retry the job. However, you
should retry the entire job and not attempt to simply continue from a failed step.
To retry a failed job, do the following:
Step 1 To determine that an installation job has failed, go to the Jobs section in the selector and click Install
The Jobs page appears.
Step 2 Determine the status of the job in question by examining the Status column.
Tip A green check icon with the word Deployed indicates success. A red X icon indicates failure.
Step 3 Investigate possible reasons for job failure.
Step 4 Select the failed image install job from the job list and click Retry from the toolbar atop the upper pane.
The Install Images on Devices window appears. You can observe the validation warnings as you would
in a normal install job.
Step 5 As required, you can change the images, devices, schedule, or job properties to be used.
Step 6 From within the Install Images on Devices window click Install.
Step 7 Determine that the retried attempt is successful by observing the newly created job.
Roll Back a Deployed Job
You can roll back the changes from a deployed image installation job.
To roll back a Deployed job, do the following:
Step 1 From the job list, select the image install job to be rolled back and click Rollback from the toolbar atop
the upper pane.
The Install Images on Devices window appears. You can observe the validation warnings as you would
in a normal install job.
Step 2 As required, you can change the images, devices, schedule, or job properties to be used in the rollback.
Step 3 From within the Install Images on Devices window click Install.
Step 4 Determine that the rollback attempt is successful by monitoring the newly created job.