User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 64 Configuring Routing Policies
OSPF Interface Policy Page
Field Reference
Table 64-12 OSPF Interface Dialog Box
Element Description
Interface The OSPF interface to configure. Enter the name of an interface or
interface role, or click Select to select the object from a list or to create
a new one.
Authentication Type—The authentication type used by the selected interface:
• MD5—Uses the MD5 hash algorithm for authentication. This is
the default.
• Clear Text—Uses a clear text password for authentication.
• None—Uses no authentication.
Note The authentication type used on an interface must match the
authentication type defined for the area.
Note Use plain text authentication only when security is not an issue,
for example, to ensure that misconfigured hosts do not
participate in routing.
• Key ID—Available only when MD5 is selected as the
authentication type.
The identification number of the authentication key. This number
must be shared with all other devices sending updates to, and
receiving updates from, the selected device. Valid values range
from 1 to 255.
• Key—The shared key used for authentication (MD5 or clear text).
This key must be shared with all other devices sending updates to,
and receiving updates from, the selected device. Enter this key
again in the Confirm field.
When using clear text, the key can include any continuous string of
characters that can be entered from the keyboard (up to 8 bytes).
When using MD5, the key can include alphanumeric characters
only (up to 16 bytes).
Cost The cost of sending packets over this interface. A value entered here
overrides the default calculated cost (10 8 /bandwidth in bits per
Valid values range from 1 to 65535.
Priority The default priority of the interface. The priority is used to determine
which routers become the designated router (DR) and backup
designated router (BDR) for that segment. The higher the number, the
higher the priority.
The default priority is 1. Valid values range from 0 to 255.
Note To exclude the interface from election as DR or BDR, assign a
priority of 0. Configure router priority only for interfaces to
multiaccess networks, not point-to-point networks.