
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 45 Managing Firewall Devices
Configuring Firewall Device Interfaces
By default, prefixes configured as addresses on an interface are advertised in router advertisements. If
you configure specific prefixes for advertisement, then only those prefixes are advertised. The valid and
preferred lifetimes are counted down in real time. Alternately, a date can be set to specify the expiration
of a prefix. When the expiration is reached, the prefix is no longer advertised.
Navigation Path
You can access the IPv6 Prefix Editor dialog box from the IPv6 panel of the Add Interface and Edit
Interface dialog boxes: click the Add Row or Edit Row buttons beneath the table in the Interfaces IPv6
Prefixes section in either of those dialog boxes.
Related Topics
IPv6 Address for Interface Dialog Box, page 45-33
Add/Edit Interface Dialog Box (PIX 7.0+/ASA/FWSM), page 45-19
Managing Device Interfaces, Hardware Ports, and Bridge Groups, page 45-14
Field Reference
Table 45-7 IPv6 Prefix Editor Dialog Box
Element Description
Address/Prefix Length Enter an IPv6 network address, with its Prefix Length appended, where
the Prefix Length integer indicates how many of the high-order,
contiguous bits of the address represent the network portion of the
address. A slash (/) must precede the Prefix Length. For example,
Default If this box is checked, the settings in this dialog box will apply to all
prefixes, rather than a single address. (When checked, the
Address/Prefix Length field is disabled.)
No Advertisements When checked, hosts on the local link cannot use the specified prefix in
Off Link When checked, the specified prefix is “off-link”; that is, not locally
reachable on the link.
When on-link (the default), the specified prefix is assigned to the link.
Nodes sending traffic to addresses that contain the specified prefix
consider the destination to be locally reachable on the link.
No Auto-Configuration When checked, hosts on the local link cannot use the specified prefix
for IPv6 autoconfiguration.
When auto-configuration is on (the default), hosts on the local link can
use the specified prefix for IPv6 autoconfiguration.