
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 4 Managing Activities
Working with Activities/Tickets
Accessing Ticket Functions in Non-Workflow Mode
In non-Workflow mode with Ticket Management enabled, you can access ticket management functions
in the following ways:
Select Manage > Tickets. The Ticket Manager window contains a list of existing tickets and their
states. From this window, you can create new tickets, and open, close, submit, or discard existing
tickets. For more information, see Activity/Ticket Manager Window, page 4-10.
Click a button in the Tickets portion of the main toolbar or select the equivalent command in the
Tickets menu. Whether a button or command is active depends on your user permissions and the
state of the ticket. The following table explains the buttons and commands and the conditions under
which you can them.
Note If a ticket is open, the ticket ID is displayed above the Global Search field in the upper right corner of
the Configuration Manager interface. You can click the ticket ID to open the Ticket Manager window.
Validate Activity Validates the integrity of changed policies within the current
activity. By validating an activity, you can check for configuration
errors that you might have introduced by your policy changes.
Submit Activity In Workflow mode with an activity approver, submits the activity
for approval. You can submit an activity when it is in the Edit or
the Edit Open state.
Approve Activity Approves the changes proposed in an activity.
You can approve an activity when it is in the Submitted state when
using an activity approver, or the Edit or Edit Open state when not
using an approver. You must have user privileges to accept the
changes proposed in an activity. For more information, see the
Installation Guide for Cisco Security Manager.
Reject Activity In Workflow mode with an activity approver, rejects the changes
proposed in an activity.
You can reject an activity when it is in the Submitted or Submitted
Open state. You must have user privileges to deny changes
proposed in an activity. For more information, see the Installation
Guide for Cisco Security Manager.
Discard Activity Discards the selected activity. The activity is discarded and later
purged from the system after it exceeds the age for keeping
activities as set under Tools > Security Manager Administration >
Workflow. The activity state is shown as discarded until the
activity is actually purged from the system.
Table 4-2 Activities Tool Bar Buttons and Commands When Workflow Mode Is Enabled
Activities Menu
Command Description