User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 33 Configuring Policy Objects for Remote Access VPNs
Add or Edit User Group Dialog Box
Settings Pane
The body of the dialog box is a pane with a table of contents on the left and settings related to the item
selected in the table of contents on the right.
You must first configure technology settings, then you can select items from the table of contents on
the left and configure the options you require. Your selections on the Technology page control which
options are available on these pages and in the table of contents.
The top folders in the table of contents represent the VPN technologies or other settings that you can
configure, and are explained next.
Technology settings These settings control what you can define in the group policy:
• Group Name—The name for the user group (up to 128 characters).
Configure the same user group name within the remote client or
device to ensure that the appropriate group attributes are
• Technology—The types of VPN for which this object defines
group policies. You cannot change this option when editing an
object, or if you are creating the user group object while editing a
VPN policy. You can configure settings for Easy VPN/Remote
Access IPSec VPN or SSL VPN, but not both.
Easy VPN/Remote Access
IPSec VPN pages
When you select Easy VPN/Remote Access IPSec VPN as the
technology, you can configure settings on the following pages:
• User Group Dialog Box—General Settings, page 33-60
• User Group Dialog Box—DNS/WINS Settings, page 33-61
• User Group Dialog Box—Split Tunneling, page 33-62
• User Group Dialog Box—IOS Client Settings, page 33-63
• User Group Dialog Box—IOS Xauth Options, page 33-64
• User Group Dialog Box—IOS Client VPN Software Update,
page 33-65
• User Group Dialog Box—Advanced PIX Options, page 33-66
SSL VPN pages When you select SSL VPN as the technology, you can configure
settings on the following pages:
• User Group Dialog Box—Clientless Settings, page 33-67
• User Group Dialog Box—Thin Client Settings, page 33-68
• User Group Dialog Box—SSL VPN Full Tunnel Settings,
page 33-69
• User Group Dialog Box—DNS/WINS Settings, page 33-61
• User Group Dialog Box—SSL VPN Split Tunneling, page 33-70
• User Group Dialog Box—Browser Proxy Settings, page 33-72
• User Group Dialog Box—SSL VPN Connection Settings,
page 33-73
Table 33-43 User Group Dialog Box (Continued)
Element Description