User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 3 Managing the Device Inventory
Working with the Device Inventory
Server The Auto Update Server or Configuration Engine that manages the
device. For AUS, this server should match the one defined in the AUS
policy (see AUS Page, page 51-1).
You can add servers to the list by selecting Add Servers, which opens
the Server Properties dialog box (see Server Properties Dialog Box,
page 3-36. You can also edit the properties of a server by selecting Edit
Server, which opens the Available Servers dialog box (see Available
Servers Dialog Box, page 3-38).
For more information on managing this list of servers, see Adding,
Editing, or Deleting Auto Update Servers or Configuration Engines,
page 3-35.
For information on how these servers are used during deployment, see
Deploying Configurations Using an Auto Update Server or CNS
Configuration Engine, page 8-42.
Device Identity The string value that uniquely identifies the device in Auto Update
Server or the Configuration Engine. For AUS, this ID should match the
one defined in the AUS policy (see AUS Page, page 51-1).
ASA-CX Module
Management IP
The management IP address of the ASA’s CX module; detected during
device discovery, or after the module is added to the device. See
Detecting ASA CX Modules, page 69-10 for more information.
You can edit this address. However, Security Manager will not perform
any validation of the module’s presence, and rediscovery or
re-detection may alter this address.
This field is available only for an ASA CX module already detected by
Security Manager.
Manage in Cisco Security
Whether Security Manager manages the device. Security Manager will
not manage configurations nor will it upload or download
configurations on this device.
You might want to include an unmanaged device in the inventory for
these reasons:
• If the only function of the device is to serve as a VPN end point.
• If the device is a security context that you are using for failover.
Because you cannot delete security contexts for managed devices
without actually deleting the context from the device itself, you
must unmanage the failover contexts.
License Supports Failover
(ASA 5505, 5510 only.)
Whether an optional failover license is installed on the device. The
option is active for ASA 5505 and 5510 devices only. Security Manager
deploys failover policies to the device only if this option is selected.
Tip If you discover policies from the device, Security Manager
determines the license status and sets this option appropriately.
Table 3-9 Device Properties General Page (Continued)
Element Description