User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 60 Router Device Administration
AAA Policy Page
Command Accounting Dialog Box
Use the Command Accounting dialog box to define which methods to use when recording information
about the EXEC commands that are executed for a given privilege level. Each accounting record includes
a list of the commands executed for that privilege level, as well as the date and time each command was
executed, and the name of the user who executed it.
Navigation Path
From the AAA Page—Accounting Tab, page 60-10, click the Add button beneath the Command
Accounting table.
Related Topics
• Defining AAA Services, page 60-4
• Supported Accounting Types, page 60-3
• Understanding Method Lists, page 60-3
Field Reference
Enable Broadcast to Multiple
When selected, enables the sending of accounting records to multiple
AAA servers. Accounting records are sent simultaneously to the first
server in each AAA server group defined in the method list. If the first
server is unavailable, failover occurs using the backup servers defined
within that group.
Command Accounting settings
Privilege Level The privilege level to which the command authorization definition
Generate Accounting
Records for
The points in the process where the device sends an accounting notice
to the accounting server.
Enable Broadcast Whether accounting records are broadcast to multiple servers
Prioritized Method List The method list to use when authorizing users with this privilege level.
Add button Opens the Command Accounting Dialog Box, page 60-12. From here
you can configure a command accounting definition.
Edit button Opens the Command Accounting Dialog Box, page 60-12. From here
you can edit the command accounting definition.
Delete button Deletes the selected command accounting definitions from the table.
Table 60-5 AAA Page—Accounting Tab (Continued)
Element Description
Table 60-6 Command Accounting Dialog Box
Element Description
Privilege Level The privilege level for which you want to define a command accounting
list. Valid values range from 0 to 15.