User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting Device Communication and Deployment
Troubleshooting Deployment
Changing How Security Manager Responds to Device Messages
Security Manager has built-in responses to many of the response messages that can be encountered when
configuring a device. You might find that messages Security Manager treats as errors are messages that
you want to ignore or treat as informational. Although you can configure your deployment jobs to ignore
errors, you might instead want to update Security Manager to treat specific messages differently using a
properties file.
It is important to understand that setting the properties file to ignore the error is not always sufficient.
Deployment can fail because the Allow Download on Error check box (located on the Tools > Security
Manager Administration > Deployment page) is deselected by default. The following table provides
details about how Security Manager behaves when an error occurs during deployment, the Allow
Download on Error option is either selected or deselected, and the Save Changes Permanently on
Device option is selected or deselected.
Note On Cisco IOS routers using the SSL protocol, deployment on devices stops on command syntax errors.
It does not stop when configuration-related errors occur.
To change how Security Manager treats a message, you need to update the DCS.properties file in
\CSCOpx\MDC\athena\config folder in the installation directory (usually c:\Program Files). Use a text
editor such as NotePad to update the file.
Table 9-2 Deployment Device Error Handling for SSL and SSH on PIX Firewall, ASA, and Cisco
IOS Routers
Download on
Error Ignored
Using Warning
Expression Deployment Status Write Memory Done
Selected Yes No Failed Based on whether Save
Changes Permanently on
Device is selected.
Selected Yes Yes Success Based on whether Save
Changes Permanently on
Device is selected.
Selected No Not applicable Success Based on whether Save
Changes Permanently on
Device is selected.
Deselected Yes No Failed (Deploy not
Deselected Yes Yes SSL (ASA, PIX,
SSH (IOS devices)—Based
on whether Save Changes
Permanently on Device is
Deselected No Not applicable Success Based on whether Save
Changes Permanently on
Device is selected.