User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 33 Configuring Policy Objects for Remote Access VPNs
Add or Edit User Group Dialog Box
User Group Dialog Box—SSL VPN Connection Settings
Use this SSL VPN Connection Settings page to configure the SSL VPN session connection settings for
the user group, including the banner text. An SSL VPN session is disconnected if the client is connected
longer than the session timeout or if it is idle longer than the idle timeout.
Navigation Path
Select Connection Settings from the table of contents in the Add or Edit User Group Dialog Box,
page 33-58.
Field Reference
Proxy Server The address of the proxy server:
• IP address—The IP address or the name of a network/host object
that specifies the address. Click Select to select the object from a
• Name—The fully qualified domain name, for example,
Proxy Server Port The port number on the server that is used for proxy traffic, for
example, 80. Enter a value in the range 1-65535.
Do Not Use Proxy Server for
Addresses Beginning With
If you configured a proxy, you can identify specific hosts for which the
proxy should be bypassed. If the user opens these hosts in the browser,
the proxy is not used in the connection.
Enter full IP addresses or fully qualified domain names. For example, or www.cisco.com.
Table 33-55 User Group Dialog Box—Browser Proxy Settings (Continued)
Element Description
Table 33-56 User Group Dialog Box—Connection Settings
Element Description
Idle Timeout The idle timeout period for the SSL VPN session. The session is
disconnected if the client is idle longer than the specified idle timeout.
Values range from 0-3600 seconds.
Session Timeout The timeout period for the SSL VPN session. The session is
disconnected when this timeout is reached even if the user is still active.
Values range from 1-1209600 seconds.
Banner Text The banner, for example, a welcome message, that is displayed to
remote users when they connect to the SSL VPN.
You cannot use double quotes or new lines (carriage returns) in the
banner text. However, you can include HTML tags to create the desired