User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Security Manager
Understanding Basic Security Manager Interface Features
Acting on Search Results
You can perform the following actions on the items returned from your search:
• Export Data (All)—Allows you to export the search results for the selected category in CSV
format. Select the desired data type from the Category selector tree in the Global Search window to
see results for that category, then click Export in the toolbar above the search results to export that
table of data in CSV format.
• Print (All)—Allows you to print the search results for the selected category. Select the desired data
type from the Category selector tree in the Global Search window to see results for that category,
then click Print in the toolbar above the search results to print the table of data.
• Device Properties (Devices)—Allows you to view the device properties for devices returned in
search results. Select the desired device group from the Category selector tree in the Global Search
window to see results for that category. Select a device in the results table to highlight it, right-click
the device, and then select Device Properties. The Device Properties dialog box for the selected
device is displayed. For more information, see Viewing or Changing Device Properties, page 3-39.
• Go To (Policies)—Allows you to navigate to a policy from the search results. Select the desired
policy type from the Category selector tree in the Global Search window to see results for that policy
type. Select an item in the results table to highlight it, right-click the item, and then select Go To.
The relevant policy for the selected item is displayed.
• Filter (Policies)—Allows you to filter the search results using the standard table filter. For more
information, see Filtering Tables, page 1-45.
• View (Policy Objects)—Allows you to view the policy object details for an object in the search
results. Select the desired policy object type from the Category selector tree in the Global Search
window to see results for that object type. Select an object in the results table to highlight it, then
click View in the toolbar above the search results (or right-click the object and select View). The
relevant Edit dialog box for the selected policy object is displayed in read-only mode.
• Edit (Policy Objects)—Allows you to edit a policy object from the search results. Select the desired
policy object type from the Category selector tree in the Global Search window to see results for that
object type. Select an object in the results table to highlight it, then click Edit in the toolbar above
the search results (or right-click the object and select Edit). The relevant Edit dialog box for the
selected policy object is displayed.
Note If a ticket or activity is not currently open, you will be prompted to create one or open an
existing one before you can edit the policy object.
• Find Usage (Policy Objects)—Allows you to find which policies, objects, VPNs, and devices are
using an object in the search results. Select the desired policy object type from the Category selector
tree in the Global Search window to see results for that object type. Select an object in the results
table to highlight it, then click Find Usage in the toolbar above the search results (or right-click the
object and select Find Usage). The Object Usage dialog box for the selected policy object is
displayed. For more information, see Generating Object Usage Reports, page 6-14.
• Show Ticket (Tickets)—Allows you to navigate to the Ticket Manager window for a ticket returned
in the search results. Select the desired ticket group from the Category selector tree in the Global
Search window to see results for that category. Click the Ticket column in the results table for the
ticket you want to view. The Ticket Manager window is displayed with the selected ticket
highlighted. For more information, see Activity/Ticket Manager Window, page 4-10.