User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 8 Managing Deployment
Overview of the Deployment Manager and Configuration Archive
• Aborting deployment jobs—You can stop a deployment job even if it is currently running. However,
aborting a job that is in process does not roll back the configuration on devices that have already
been reconfigured, or on devices that are in the process of being reconfigured. Only devices for
which deployment has not started are prevented from being reconfigured. For more information, see
Aborting Deployment Jobs, page 8-51.
• Rolling back to a previous configuration—If you deploy configurations to devices, and then
determine that there is something wrong with the new configurations, you can revert to and deploy
the previous configurations for those devices. For more information, see Rolling Back
Configurations to Devices Using the Deployment Manager, page 8-65.
• Viewing deployment job status—You can display information about the deployment to specific
devices, including information about errors, the proposed configuration, and the transcript of the
download. For more information, see Viewing Deployment Status and History for Jobs and
Schedules, page 8-27.
• Scheduling deployment jobs—You can create deployment schedules to spawn deployment jobs at
regular intervals. In Workflow mode, you can also schedule a deployment job to start at a future time
when you deploy the job. Scheduling jobs lets you plan deployments for times when traffic on
devices is low. For more information, see these topics:
Creating or Editing Deployment Schedules, page 8-52
Deploying Configurations in Workflow Mode, page 8-35
• Logging deployment job history (Workflow mode only)—You can view the history of transactions
for a job. The transactions show the changes in job status initiated by various users, such as job
approval, and the comments related to those status changes. For more information, see Viewing
Deployment Status and History for Jobs and Schedules, page 8-27.
Deployment Manager Window
Use the Deployment Manager window to manage deployment jobs and schedules. You can display a list
of deployment jobs, view job details, deploy and redeploy configurations to devices, abort deployment
jobs, roll back to previous configurations on selected devices, and create schedules to automatically
generate deployment jobs. You can also track changes made to deployment jobs and schedules.
Note The buttons available in the Deployment Manager depend on the Workflow mode you are using.
Navigation Path
Click the Deployment Manager button on the Main toolbar or select Manage > Deployments.
Related Topics
• Overview of the Deployment Process, page 8-1
• Viewing Deployment Status and History for Jobs and Schedules, page 8-27
• Deploying Configurations in Non-Workflow Mode, page 8-29
• Deploying Configurations in Workflow Mode, page 8-35
• Deploying Configurations Using an Auto Update Server or CNS Configuration Engine, page 8-42
• Deploying Configurations to a Token Management Server, page 8-43
• Managing Device Communication Settings and Certificates, page 9-4