User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 69 Using External Monitoring, Troubleshooting, and Diagnostic Tools
Starting Device Managers
The following topics explain more about troubleshooting and using device managers:
• Troubleshooting Device Managers, page 69-5
• Access Rule Look-up from Device Managers, page 69-6
• Navigating to an Access Rule from ASDM, page 69-7
• Navigating to an Access Rule from SDM, page 69-8
Troubleshooting Device Managers
If you can successfully deploy configurations to a device, Security Manager should be able to open a
device manager session with the device (as described in Starting Device Managers, page 69-4). However,
if you have problems making a connection or using one that is open, consider the following
troubleshooting tips, which are divided into basic tips and tips for using multiple device managers.
Basic Device Manager Troubleshooting Tips
• Generally, the credentials configured for the device in the Security Manager inventory are used to
start the device manager. However, some versions of SDM require that you enter a user name and
password when the device manager is started. If you get an error that says device credentials are
missing, or they are not valid, update the Device Properties Credentials page with a username and
password that can log into the device. In Device view, right-click the device and select Device
Properties. For more information, see Viewing or Changing Device Properties, page 3-39 and
Device Credentials Page, page 3-44.
Table 69-2 Device Managers Available in Security Manager
Device Manager Description
IDM The IPS Device Manager (IDM) lets you monitor IPS sensors and
modules that are part of the Security Manager inventory.
See the IDM documentation for more information about using this
device manager.
PDM The PIX Device Manager (PDM) lets you monitor PIX 6.x devices and
early FWSMs, specifically FWSM releases 1.1, 2.2 and 2.3 in single-
or multiple-context modes.
See the PDM documentation for more information about using this
device manager.
ASDM The Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM) lets you monitor
ASA, ASA-SM, PIX 7.x+, and FWSM 3.x+ devices.
See the ASDM documentation for more information about using this
device manager.
SDM The Security Device Manager (SDM) lets you monitor Cisco
IOS-based resources. SDM requires no previous experience with Cisco
devices or the Cisco command-line interface (CLI). Cisco SDM
supports a wide range of Cisco IOS software releases.
See the SDM documentation for more information about using this
device manager.