User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 47 Configuring Device Administration Policies on Firewall Devices
Configuring Boot Image/Configuration Settings
Field Reference
Images Dialog Box
Use the Images dialog box to add or edit a configuration file entry in the Boot Images table on the Boot
Image/Configuration page.
Table 47-5 Boot Image/Configuration Page
Element Description
Boot Config Location Enter the path to and name of the configuration file to be used when the
system is loaded. On an ASA, you can use any of the following
syntactical constructs:
• disk0:/[path/]filename
The value “disk0” represents the internal flash card. You can also
use “flash” instead of “disk0,” as they are aliased:
• disk1:/[path/]filename
The value “disk1” represents the external flash card.
On a PIX device, you can use only the “flash” syntax; that is:
• flash:/[path/]filename
ASDM Image Location The location and name of the ASDM software image to be used when
ASDM sessions are initiated. (You can use ASDM to monitor both ASA
and PIX devices.)
On a PIX device, as with the Boot Config Location, you are restricted
to only the “flash” syntax.
On an ASA, as with the Boot Config Location, you can use the “disk0,”
“flash,” or “disk1” constructs. In addition, you can specify an image file
on a TFTP server, as follows
• tftp://[user[:password]@]server[:port]/[path/]filename
Boot Images Table This table lists any alternate configuration files you have defined; you
can specify up to four. The first available image in this list is used if you
did not specify a primary file in the Boot Config Location field, or if
that file is unavailable.
This is a standard Security Manager table; use the up-arrow,
down-arrow, Add Row, Edit Row, and Delete Row buttons below the
table to manage these entries, as described in Using Tables, page 1-45.
The Add Row and Edit Row open the Images Dialog Box, page 47-10,
used to add and edit the paths to alternate configuration files.
Note On an ASA, the first (and only the first) entry in this table can
refer to an ASDM configuration file on a TFTP server. If the
device cannot reach the TFTP server, it will attempt to load the
next image file in the list.