User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 68 Health and Performance Monitoring
HPM Window
Memory (%) IPS, Firewall Memory usage as a percentage of the total
CPU (%) IPS, Firewall CPU usage as a percentage of the total available.
Model IPS, Firewall Device type and model number. For example,
ASA 5510, or IPS 4270.
Version IPS, Firewall Software version running on this device.
Column-based Filtering, page 68-15 is available.
Inspection Load (%) IPS Inspection load on the device when polled, as a
Missed Packet(%) IPS Dropped packets as a percentage of total packets
SensorApp Status IPS Current SensorApp (Analysis Engine) status: Up
or Down. Column-based Filtering, page 68-15 is
MainApp Status IPS Current MainApp status: Up or Down.
Column-based Filtering, page 68-15 is available.
CollaborationApp Status IPS Current CollaborationApp status: Up or Down.
License Expiration Status IPS Status of the sensor’s license, based on red and
yellow threshold values set on the sensor: Normal,
Warning, or Critical. Column-based Filtering,
page 68-15 is available.
In Bypass Mode IPS Whether bypass mode is enabled on the sensor:
Yes or No. Column-based Filtering, page 68-15 is
Event Retrieval Status IPS Status of the IPS event retrieval: Normal, Warning,
or Critical. Column-based Filtering, page 68-15 is
Global Correlation Status IPS For a sensor participating in global correlation, its
update status: Normal (last update was
successful), Warning (no successful update within
the past day [86,400 seconds]), or Critical (no
successful update within the last three days
[259,200 seconds]). Column-based Filtering,
page 68-15 is available.
Signature Update IPS The number of the most recent signature update
applied to this sensor; for example, S574.
Column-based Filtering, page 68-15 is available.
Firewall Mode Firewall Operating mode of this device: Routed,
Transparent, or Mixed. Column-based Filtering,
page 68-15 is available.
Context Mode Firewall Context mode of this device: Single or Multiple.
Column-based Filtering, page 68-15 is available.
Table 68-1 Available Table Columns for Device-related Views (Continued)
Column Name Available in View