
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 60 Router Device Administration
CPU Utilization Settings on Cisco IOS Routers
CPU Utilization Settings on Cisco IOS Routers
The CPU policy configures settings relating to CPU utilization. This policy provides you with methods
for monitoring CPU resources and tracking processes that exceed a predetermined level of utilization.
Note The CPU policy is supported on routers running Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(14)T or later.
Related Topics
Defining CPU Utilization Settings, page 60-25
Defining CPU Utilization Settings
You can use Security Manager to modify the following default CPU utilization settings:
The size of the CPU history table.
The size of the extended CPU load history table.
Whether to enable the automatic CPU Hog profiling.
In addition, you can optionally define:
The CPU utilization level that causes a process to be included in the history table.
The types of CPU utilization thresholds to enable. For each type of threshold, you can determine the
threshold values that trigger notifications.
Related Topics
CPU Utilization Settings on Cisco IOS Routers, page 60-25
Logging on Cisco IOS Routers, page 62-1
Step 1 Do one of the following:
(Device view) Select Platform > Device Admin > CPU from the Policy selector.
(Policy view) Select Router Platform > Device Admin > CPU from the Policy Type selector. Select
an existing policy or create a new one.
The CPU page is displayed.
End The relative date and time when daylight savings time ends:
Month—Select the month.
Week—Select the week of the month (1, 2, 3, 4, first, or last).
Weekday—Select the day of the week.
Hour—Select the hour.
Minute—Select the minute.
Table 60-11 Clock Page (Continued)
Element Description