
User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 11 Configuring Security Manager Administrative Settings
Device Communication Page
Device Communication Page
Use the Device Communication page to define default settings for communicating with devices. These
settings mainly affect device inventory and policy discovery and configuration deployment. You can
override the transport settings for individual devices in the device properties for the device.
If you change the transport protocol settings, ensure that your devices are appropriately configured to
accept those types of connections.
Navigation Path
Select Tools > Security Manager Administration and select Device Communication from the table of
Related Topics
Adding Devices to the Device Inventory, page 3-6
Chapter 3, “Managing the Device Inventory”
Chapter 2, “Preparing Devices for Management”
Viewing or Changing Device Properties, page 3-39
Field Reference
During validation, check for
usage of ’any’ Building
Block (BB) in IPS Device
’any’ has a new name starting
with CSM 4.4
Whether to check for the "any" policy object (also called "any" building
block), as described, for these reasons:
Beginning with Security Manager 4.4, the new Networks/Hosts
object “All-IPv4-Addresses” replaces the IPv4 “any” network
policy object.
Also beginning with Security Manager 4.4, the new
Networks/Hosts object “All-IPv6-Addresses” replaces the IPv6
“any” network policy object.
Save button Saves and applies changes.
Reset button Resets changes to the last saved values.
Restore Defaults button Resets values to Security Manager defaults.
Table 11-8 Deployment Page (Continued)
Element Description
Table 11-9 Device Communication Page
Element Description
Device Connection Parameters
Device Connection Timeout The number of seconds that Security Manager has to establish a
connection with a device before timing out.
Retry Count The number of times that Security Manager should try to establish a
connection to a device before concluding that the connection cannot be
completed. The default value is 3.