User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 66 Viewing Events
Using Event Viewer
• Creating Custom Views, page 66-37
• Editing a Custom View Name or Description, page 66-38
• Switching Between Real-Time and Historical Views, page 66-38
• Saving Views, page 66-38
• Deleting Custom Views, page 66-39
Opening Views
You can open up to four historical views and one real-time view in Event Viewer. When you open a view,
Event Viewer uses the view settings and time range to retrieve events from the event data store and
display them in the event table.
• To open a view so that it replaces the currently active open view, do one of the following in Event
Double-click the view in the views list.
Right-click the view in the view list and select Open.
• To open a view in a new tab, do one of the following:
Select File > Open View from the menu bar. The Open a View dialog box opens, which is
essentially the same as the view list. Select the view and click OK.
Right-click the view in the views list and select Open In New Tab.
Floating and Arranging Views
You can open up to four historical views and one real-time view at one time. When you have multiple
views open, they are opened as tabbed windows in the right pane of the main Event Viewer window, in
the most recently used area (“tabbed group”) if there is more than one area. The commands to arrange
the windows appear if you right-click the tab for the view window as shown in the following illustration.
You have many options for arranging view windows based on your requirements. For example, you
might want to compare two views side-by-side, or remove a view from the main window without closing
You can use the following techniques to arrange the view windows to get the display that you desire:
• Floating a view—To remove a view from the main Event Viewer window without closing it,
right-click the view tab and select Floating. The view is moved to its own window.