User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 60 Router Device Administration
Accounts and Credential s Policy Page
User Account Dialog Box
Employ the User Account dialog box to define a username and password combination that can be used
by Security Manager to access the router. You can also define the privilege level of the user account,
which determines whether you can configure all commands on this router or only a subset of them.
Note Remember—there may be additional user accounts defined on the router using other methods, such as
the CLI.
Navigation Path
Go to the Accounts and Credential s Policy Page, page 60-15, then click the Add or Edit button beneath
the table.
Related Topics
• Defining Accounts and Credential Policies, page 60-14
• User Accounts and Device Credentials on Cisco IOS Routers, page 60-13
• Understanding FlexConfig Policies and Policy Objects, page 7-2
Field Reference
Table 60-8 User Account Dialog Box
Element Description
Username The username for accessing the router.
Password The password for accessing the router with this user account.
Note You can discover an encrypted password, but any password you
enter must be in clear text.
Confirm Confirms the password for this user account.
Encrypt password using
When selected, uses MD5 encryption to encrypt the password for this
user account. This is the default.
When deselected, the password is sent to the router unencrypted.
Privilege Level The privilege level assigned to the user account. Valid values range
from 0 to 15:
• 0—Grants access to these commands only: disable, enable, exit,
help, and logout.
• 1—Enables nonprivileged access to the router (normal
EXEC-mode use privileges).
• 15—Enables privileged access to the router (traditional enable
Note Levels 2-14 are not normally used in a default configuration,
but custom configurations can be created by moving commands
that are normally at level 15 to a lower level and commands that
are normally at level 1 to a higher level. You can configure the
privilege levels of commands using the CLI or by defining a