Administration Guide 87
CHAPTER 6 Adding and Configuring Local Users
and User Groups
User groups define the resources the user has access to when connecting to the corporate network
through the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway. Groups are associated with the local users list. After adding local
users, you can then define the resources they have access to on the Access Policy Manager tab. This
chapter discusses the following group settings:
•Adding Local Users
•User Group Overview
• Creating User Groups
• Configuring Properties for a User Group
• Configuring Resources for a User Group
• Setting the Priority of Groups
Adding Local Users
You can create user accounts locally on the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway to supplement the users on
authentication servers. For example, you might want to create local user accounts for temporary users,
such as consultants or visitors, without creating an entry for those users on the authentication server. In
that case, you add the user to the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway local user list as described in this section.
If you associate more than one group with a user account, the properties of the first group that you
select for the user is used.
To create a user on the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway
1 Click the Access Policy Manager tab.
2 In the left-pane, right-click Local Users and then click New User.
3 In User name, type a user name. This is the logon name the user needs when logging onto Secure
Access. User names can contain spaces.
4 In Password and Verify Password, type a password for the user in the two fields.
A user enters this password when logging onto Secure Access. A password must be six or more characters up to a
maximum of 128 characters. Do not use a forward slash (/) in the user name or password.