Administration Guide 35
Publishing Settings to Multiple Firebox SSL VPN Gateways
7In Username and Password, type the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway administrator credentials. The
default user name and password are root and rootadmin. You can change the administrative
password as described in “To change the administrator password” on page 33.
Publishing Settings to Multiple Firebox SSL VPN Gateways
If you have multiple Firebox SSL VPN Gateway appliances in your network, you can configure the set-
tings once and then publish them to all of the appliances on the network. The settings on the VPN
Gateway Cluster tab apply to individual Firebox SSL VPN Gateways. The general networking, logging,
administration, certificate generation and installation, and licensing are configured on the VPN Gate-
way Cluster tab. The settings on all other tabs in the Administration Tool can be published to multiple
Firebox SSL VPN Gateways.
To publish Firebox SSL VPN Gateway settings
1Click the Publish tab.
2Click Publish to all gateways.
Each Firebox SSL VPN Gateway configured on the VPN Gateway Cluster tab is listed on the Publish
tab. The following synchronization messages appear in the Sync Status field for each appliance:
In Sync
The Firebox SSL VPN Gateway configuration is successfully published.
Not in Sync
A change was made in the settings but is not published.
Sync Failed
Unable to synchronize the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway. Check the appliance and try the
synchronization again.
Unknown Status
The status of the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway cannot be determined. Check the appliance and try
the synchronization again.
Product Activation and Licensing
For new product installations, you will need to activate your Firebox SSL VPN Gateway by submitting the
included license key codes to your Live Security account. You access your LiveSecurity account by
browsing to the WatchGuard website at http://www.watchguard.com, then clicking LiveSecurity® Service
on the left.
There are two types of included license key codes with your Firebox SSL VPN Gateway: Tunnel and tun-
nel upgrade capacity, and LiveSecurity Renewal and Tunnel Renewal.
Upgrading the tunnel and tunnel upgrade license
In your Live Security account, under the Activation Center, you activate your product with the tunnel
and tunnel upgrade license key codes. Upon submittal and processing, you will receive license files or
feature keys that you must apply to the Firebox SSL VPN Gateway. You apply these license files using the