Model Number Description
Each IntelliPak self-contained unit has a multiple character model number unique to that unit. To determine a unit’s specific options,
reference the model number on the unit nameplate using the model number explanation below.
S C W G N 20 4 2 JO A B 2 10 085 B A 1 0 1 0 A A C F A 1 1 0 T 2 0
1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Digit 1 - Unit Model
S = Self Contained
Digit 2 - Unit Type
C = Commercial
I = Industrial
Digit 3 - Condenser Medium
W = Water-Cooled
R = Remote Air-Cooled
Digit 4 - Development Sequence
G = Modular Series
Digit 5 - Refrigerant Circuit Configuration
N = Independent, R-22 Refrigerant
R = Independent, 407C Refigerant
Digit 6, 7 - Unit Nominal Capacity
2 0 = 20 Tons (Water or Air Cooled)
2 5 = 25 Tons (Water or Air Cooled)
30 = 30 Tons (Water Cooled Only)
32 = 32 Tons (Air Cooled Only)
35 = 35 Tons (Water Cooled Only)
Digit 8 - Unit Voltage
6 = 200 Volt/60 Hz/3 ph
4 = 460 Volt/60 Hz/3 ph
5 = 575 Volt/60 Hz/3 ph
Digit 9 - Air Volume/Temp Control
1 = I-Pak & IGV and Supply Air Temp
2 = I-Pak & VFD and Supply Air
Temp Ctrl
3 = I-Pak & VFD w/ Bypass and
Supply Air Temp Ctrl
4 = I-Pak w/o Vol. CTRL, w/ Zone Temp
5 = I-Pak w/o Vol. CTRL, w/ Zone Temp
6 = I-Pak w/o Vol. CTRL, w/ Supply Air
Temp Ctrl
8 = Thermostat Interface
Digit 10, 11 - Design Sequence
JO= “J” Design
Digit 12 - Unit Construction
A = Vertical Discharge
B = Vertical Discharge with Double Wall
C = Horizontal Discharge
D = Horizontal Discharge w/ Double
E = Vertical Discharge, Ship Separate
F = Vertical Discharge w/ Double Wall,
Ship Separate
G = Horizontal Discharge, Ship Separate
H = Horizontal Discharge w/ Double
Wall, Ship Separate
Digit 13 - Plenum Type
B = Std Plenum w/ Factory Cut Holes
C = Low Plenum w/ Factory Cut Holes
E = Std Plenum w/ Field Cut Holes
F = Low Plenum w/ Field Cut Holes
H = Std Plenum Double Wall (Perf)
w/ Field Cut Holes
J = Low Plenum Double Wall (Perf)
w/ Field Cut Holes
L = Std. Plenum w/Factory Cut Holes,
Ship Separate
M = Low Plenum with Factory Cut
Holes, Ship Separate
P = Std Plenum w/ Field Cut Holes, Ship
R = Low Plenum w/ Field Cut Holes,
Ship Separate
U = Std Plenum Double Wall (Perf) w/
Field Cut Holes, Ship Separate
V = Low Plenum Double Wall (Perf) w/
Field Cut Holes, Ship Separate
0 = Without Plenum
Digit 14 - Motor Type
1 = Std. Efficiency ODP
2 = Premium Eff. ODP
3 = Std. Efficiency Totally Enclosed
Digit 15, 16 - Motor HP
05 = 5 HP Motor
07 = 7.5 HP Motor
10 = 10 HP Motor
15 = 15 HP Motor
20 = 20 HP Motor
25 = 25 HP Motor
Digit 17, 18, 19 - Fan RPM
085 = 850 rpm
090 = 900 rpm
095 = 950 rpm
100 = 1000 rpm
105 = 1050 rpm
110 = 1100 rpm
115 = 1150 rpm
120 = 1200 rpm
125 = 1250 rpm
130 = 1300 rpm
135 = 1350 rpm
140 = 1400 rpm
145 = 1450 rpm
150 = 1500 rpm
155 = 1550 rpm
160 = 1600 rpm
165 = 1650 rpm
170 = 1700 rpm
175 = 1750 rpm
180 = 1800 rpm
185 = 1850 rpm
Digit 20 - Heating Type
A = Steam Coil, LH
B = Hot Water Coil, LH
C = Electric Heat, 1 Stage
F = Hydronic Heat Ctrl Interface
G = Elec. Heat Ctrl Interface, 1 stage
K = Steam Coil Ship Separate, LH
L = Hot Water Coil Ship Separate, LH
M = Steam Coil, RH
N = Hot Water Coil, RH
P = Steam Coil Ship Separate, RH
R = Hot Water Coil Ship Separate, RH
T = Hi-cap. hot water coil, LH
U = Hi-cap, hot water coil LH,
Ship Seperate
V = Hi-cap. hot water coil, RH
W = Hi-cap. hot water coil, RH,
Ship Seperate
0 = None
Digit 21 - Unit Isolators
A = Isopads
B = Spring Isolators
0 = None