Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after communication between
Tracer Summit and the LCI-I is restored.
Unit HI Communications Failure
Problem: The RTM has lost
communication with the unit mounted
(local) human interface (HI).
Check: Field/unit wiring between RTM
hand local HI.
Reason for Diagnostic: The RTM has lost
communication with the unit-mounted
human interface.
UCM Reaction: A fail-safe function in the HI
will cause the following sequence:
a. disallow any interaction between the HI
and the RTM (or any other modules),
b. render all HI keystrokes ineffective
c. cause the following message to display
on the unit-mounted HI display: “Local
HI communications loss. Check comm
link wiring between modules.” If the unit
has a remote HI option, then this
diagnostic will display as any other
automatic reset diagnostic.
Reset Required: (INFO) An automatic reset
occurs after communication is restored
between the RTM and the HI. When the
failure screen clears, the general display
restores to allow the HI to interact with the
RTM again.
Unoccupied Zone Cool Setpoint Failure
Problem: The unoccupied zone cooling
setpoint input is out of range.
Reason for Diagnostic: The input
designated as the unoccupied zone cooling
setpoint source is out of range (temp <
45°F or temp > 94°F).
UCM Reaction: The active unoccupied
zone cooling setpoint reverts to the default
Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after the designated unoccupied
zone cool setpoint input returns to its
allowable range for 10 continuous
seconds, or after the user defines a
different, valid unoccupied zone cool
setpoint selection source.
Unoccupied Zone Heat Setpoint Failure
Problem: The unoccupied zone heating
setpoint input is out of range.
Reason for Diagnostic: The input
designated as unoccupied zone heating
setpoint source is out of range (temp < 45
F or temp > 94 F).
UCM Reaction: The active unoccupied
zone heating setpoint reverts to the
default value.
Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after the designated unoccupied
zone heat setpoint input returns to its
allowable range for 10 continuous
seconds, or after the user defines a
different, valid unoccupied zone heating
setpoint selection source.
VCM Communication Failure
Problem: The RTM has lost
communication with the VCM.
Verify: Check field/unit wiring between
RTM and VCM.
Reason for Diagnostic: The RTM has lost
communication with the VCM.
UCM Reaction: All active commands and
setpoints provided by the VCM are
canceled and/or ignored. A fail-safe
function in the VCM will cause all outputs
to deenergize and/or set to zero. The
outside air damper minimum position
function will revert to using the O/A flow
compensation function if O/A flow
compensation is enabled or set to the
default minimum position function if O/A
flow compensation is disabled or not
Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after communication is restored.
communications with the VOM.
Velocity Pressure Sensor Failure
Problem: The velocity pressure input
signal is out of range.
Check: Check field/unit wiring between
sensor and VCM.
Reason for Diagnostic: The unit is reading a
signal that is out of range for the velocity
pressure transducer input (during
calibration: V < 40 mV or V > 420 mV,
during operation: V < 40 mV or V > 0.75 V).
UCM Reaction: The minimum airflow
control function is disabled. The outside air
damper minimum position function reverts
to using the O/A flow compensation
function if O/A flow compensation is
enabled or to the default minimum position
function if O/A flow compensation is
disabled or not available.
Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after the designated space pressure
transducer sends a signal within range for
10 continuous seconds.
VOM Communications Failure
Problem: The RTM has lost communication
with the VCM.
Check: Field/unit wiring between RTM and
Reason for Diagnostic: The RTM has lost
communications with the VOM.
UCM Reaction: Ventilation override actions
will not be allowed, and the VO Output
relay will be deenergized.
Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after communication has been
WSM Communications Fail
Problem: The RTM has lost communication
with the WSM.
Check: Field/unit wiring between RTM and
Reason for Diagnostic: The RTM has lost
communication with the WSM.
UCM Reaction: The UCM will react as if a
freezestat has occurred by issuing:
• An “all heat on” or “mod output full
open” request to “heat control”