78 Audio Command Center Series Manual — P/N 51889:E1 6/8/2010
Operating Instructions Operation
4.5.13 Trouble Condition Restoral
All trouble condition restorals will cause the following to occur (note that response to AC loss
restoral will depend on the setting of S3 switch 8 as shown in Table 2.3 on page 34):
Reenergize the trouble relay returning contacts to normal position
Turn off local piezo
Turn off the system Trouble LED
Close CMD1 input
In addition to the previous trouble condition restorals, the following specific restorals will occur:
AC restoral
• Turn on the AC PWR LED on the main circuit board
• Reenergize the AC Loss Relay on the main circuit board returning contacts to normal position
• Reenergize Form-C Trouble and CMD1 contacts if S3 switch 8 is OFF (refer to Table 2.3 on
page 34)
Battery restoral
• Turn off the Battery Trouble LED on the main circuit board
Ground Fault cleared
• Turn off the Ground Fault LED on the main circuit board
Microphone restoral
• Turn off the Microphone Trouble LED on the front panel keypad
Tone Generator restoral
• Turn off the Tone Generator Trouble LED on the front panel keypad
Message Generator restoral
• Turn off the Message Generator Trouble LED on the front panel keypad
Amplifier restoral
• The AMP SUPV LED will turn on and the Circuit Trouble LED will turn off. When the
system is configured for backup, restoral of the primary amplifier will cause the backup
amplifier to be switched out
NAC (Speaker) Output restoral
• The wiring to each amplifier is supervised for opens and shorts at all times in standby and
while in alarm or when background music
is enabled. A restoral of a wiring fault will cause
the circuit Trouble LED located on each amplifier module to turn off. It should be noted that
the green AMP SUPV LED is on
• The ACC-ZSM wiring to each speaker circuit is supervised for opens and shorts in standby and
for shorts while in alarm. Restoral of a wiring fault will cause the zone/circuit Trouble LED on
the ACC-ZPMK corresponding to the affected circuit to turn off.
Note that the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction must approve the use of background music.
Background music is not available with the ACC-25/50ZS or ACC-25/50ZST
ACC-ZPMK Zone Page Module restoral
• The ACS wiring between the ACC-ZPMK and FACP is supervised. Restoral of
communication on the ACS (EIA-485) link will cause the FACP Trouble LED to turn off on
the ACC-ZPMK module.
• The ribbon cable between the ACC-ZPMK and audio panel is supervised. Restoral of
communication will cause the ACC Trouble LED to turn off on the ACC-ZPMK module.