Installation/Set up
Viewing • Listening
and Operation
Setting up
Index (Glossary) (Cont.)
OS ............................. Safety Precautions4
PCM .......................................................74
Picture quality ........................................28
Playback .................................................31
The camera can play recorded images.
This function is called playback.
Playing recorded images .......................31
PoE .....................................................8, 94
POP3 ......................................................68
(Post Office Protocol Version 3)
Protocol needed to receive e-mail on the
Internet and Intranet. Client uses this
when receiving e-mail from the mail
server, and it has attesting function. Some
mail servers use this function to send mail
with SMTP.(POP3 before SMTP)
Port Number ...........................................67
The number to discriminate services
(kinds of application) on TCP and UDP.
For example, SMTP for e-mail uses 25
and 80 for HTTP in general.
Power cord ...............................................8
Protocol ..................................................95
Quality ....................................................28
Reboot ..............................................58, 63
Recording normal images ......................40
Reset button .......................................5, 93
Resolution ..............................................28
Returning to the default settings............58
RNCP ..................................................... 95
(Retrieve Neighborly Cameras Protocol)
Protocol for mutual communication.
Because of this protocol, the cameras
can identify each other. The camera
searching application, Camera Finder,
also uses this protocol.
Device which relays data on a network
to other network is called router. It
decides by itself to which route to
choose to forward the data by looking at
IP address of network device.
Saving the settings................................. 77
Screw holes for a tripod /stand ............5, 6
SD memory card . 39,
Safety Precautions
Secure Digital memory card. New
super compact memory card that
can record huge volume of multi
media data.
SMTP ..................................................... 68
(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
Protocol for sending e-mail on the Internet
and Intranet. Used when exchanging
e-mail between servers or when client
sends mail to the server.
Specifications ......................................... 95
Still image...............................................51
Straight-through Cable........................... 14
One of the Ethernet cables to connect PC
and Ethernet hub.
Subnet mask .......................................... 66
IP address is composed of network ID
and host ID. It plays a role to judge the
length of network ID to distinguish
network ID and host ID. By using this
system, it estimates whether IP address
of the addressed host is in local network
or remote network.
TCP/IP ....................................................95
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
This is the standard protocol of the
Internet and at the same time, it is the
most popularized protocol. Network layer
protocol is IP, and transport layer
protocols are TCP (Transmission Control
Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram
Protocol). FTP, SMTP and other applica-
tions use TCP/IP.
Timer recording ......................................40
Updating firmware ..................................75
URL ........................................................15
(Uniform Resource Locator)
Method for assigning the Internet
resource. “http://www.toshiba. com/” is
the example of when accessing a website
on the Internet.
IK-WB02-79-85 2004.10.21, 13:4384