151209 7-19
eight output groups.
To create Output Group Templates:
1. From the Main Menu, select for Program Menu.
2. From the Program Menu, select for Group.
3. At the next screen, select for Edit OPG Template.
4. Select the template number (01 - 08).
5. Select output group number. See Figure 7-9.
Figure 7-9 Output Group Template Programming Screen
7.6 Point
You may need to change characteristics of individual input points (detectors and switches)
even after using JumpStart. This section explains how to change options for: type of input
point; latching/non-latching status (switches); and name and zone assignment of a point.
7.6.1 Point Programming For 5815XL Module
To program for an 5815XL Module points, follow these steps:
1. Enter the installer code.
2. Press or to display the main menu.
3. Select for Program Menu.
Display reads: Initializing
Please wait . . .
4. Press to enter point menu.
5. Press the or arrows to select the desired module. Refer to Section 6.5 Quick Refer-
ence Table for available choices.
6. Press .
7. Enter the number of the point you wish to edit.
Group #
Yes = Include the selected
output group in this template
No = Do Not include output
group in this template
Select the
Cadence Pattern