2150EX Area Velocity Flow System
Safety Information
Where applicable, the labels contain other information, such as
voltage, serial number identification, etc. For example, the label
shown below indicates the maximum input voltage (U
), input
current (I
), and input power (P
) that can be applied to the
2150EX network port without invalidating intrinsic safety. It
also shows the internal capacitance (C
), and internal inductance
) that must be allowed by any power source.
Example of 2150EX Label
When you compare the 2150EX label in the figure above with the
2191EX label in the figure below, you can see they provide a
helpful reference so you can make sure your connections are safe.
Example of 2191EX Label
For example, the 2150EX network port cannot have an input
voltage greater than 9.282V. When you look at the label on the
power source (in this case the 2191EX), you can see that the
maximum output voltage is 9.282V. From this you know that you
can safely connect the two, and won’t be providing too much
voltage to the 2150EX unit.
This information is not intended to fully explain entity parame-
ters. Other publications should be referenced for more detailed