2150EX Area Velocity Flow Module
Section 3 Programming
An easy way to begin Flowlink communications with the site is to
Quick Connect. As a default Flowlink setting, the Quick Connect
dialog box opens when you start Flowlink. Click on the large
2100 Instruments button to connect. Flowlink will read the 2100
system information and try to match it with an existing site in
the open database. If Flowlink cannot find a match for the con-
nected site, it creates a new site in the database.
3.2.1 Site Configuration
During the connection process, Flowlink checks the stability of
the site’s configuration. If there are conflicts with the site config-
uration, Flowlink presents the Network Resolution window.
There are two common causes of site configuration conflicts. One
cause is a Module Name conflict, which may occur when two or
more modules at a site use the same module name. The second
cause is a Site Name conflict, which occurs when a module added
to the site indicates that it belongs to a different site.
The Network Resolution window lets you choose how the
modules should be configured and which Site Name should be
retained. To resolve the conflicts, select the actions that should
be taken and click the OK button. Be aware that some actions
will delete all data in the module.
3.3 Program Settings While connected, Flowlink displays the Site View window. This
window contains all of the program settings that control the
site’s operation. The settings are grouped, or categorized, using
five tabs: Measurements, Site Info, Modules, Data Storage, and a
variable tab used to set up the various measurement types.
Essential Settings Some program settings are essential to the operation of an
2150EX and its attached AV2150EX Sensor. Five program set-
tings should always be verified when setting up a new site:
• Level - Enter a liquid level measurement to adjust the
level readings from the AV Sensor (3.3.1).
• Zero Level Offset – If the AV Sensor is not installed in
the bottom-center of the channel, the distance the AV
Sensor is offset must be entered (3.3.2).
• Set Flow Rate to zero if no velocity data checkbox
- Determines how the 2150EX reports flow rates if
stream velocity data is not available (3.3.3).
• Flow Conversion – The 2150EX can calculate flow
rate readings. To correctly convert the measured level
and velocity readings to a flow rate, the flow conversion
method and channel properties should be defined (3.3.4).
• Silt Level – The 2150EX can compensate for a build up
of silt around the sensor (3.3.5).
These five program settings directly affect the data collection.
Incorrect settings may introduce errors in the measured data,
many of which may prove to be difficult to correct afterwards.