2150EX Area Velocity Flow Module
Section 2 Preparation and Installation
Handle with care - Abusive handling will damage the AV
Sensor. Although the AV Sensor will survive normal handling
and installation, treat the sensor with reasonable care. The
internal components cannot be repaired.
The vent tube inside the sensor cable must remain open. Do
not kink the cable or overtighten the plastic ties while securing
the cable.
Do not coil the sensor cable. This will form an inductor and
create a hazard.
Secure the cable - We recommend that you secure the cable in
place. Tying off the cable can often prevent lost equipment if
excessive flow dislodges the sensor and its mounting.
2.8 Mounting Rings Consult your Isco Mounting Rings instruction manual for
detailed hardware information.
The following sections describe sensor installation using the two
options available for mounting the AV sensor in pipes or
round-bottomed flow streams. For pipes up to 15" (38 cm) in
diameter, stainless steel self-expanding mounting rings
(Spring Rings) are available. For pipes larger than 15" in
diameter, Teledyne Isco offers the Scissors Rings (Universal
Mounting Rings). Area velocity sensors can also be installed
using primary measuring devices.
Due to the creation of a permanent grounding point
between the sensor’s transducer cover and the mounting
ring when the sensor is installed, the 2150EX system can
not withstand the 500 VAC test according to EN50020:2002
clause 6.4.12. Refer to IEC 60079-14, section 12.2.4,
regarding earthing of intrinsically safe circuits.
The sensor mounting ring is a potential isolated charge
carrier. Your installation MUST satisfy earthing
requirements. Refer to IEC 60079-14 section 12.2.4 and IEC