2150EX Area Velocity Flow System
Safety Information
Installation Installation of the 2150EX system is described in this manual.
Typical round-pipe installations are shown in Figures 2-1 and
2-2, and Appendix E provides information on general safety pro-
cedures for work in manholes and sewers.
When the equipment is installed in accordance with the instruc-
tions in this manual, it will not be subjected to dangerous
mechanical or thermal stresses. It should not be installed where
it may be attacked by existing or foreseeable aggressive sub-
stances that could damage the module enclosures. The enclo-
sures are made of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Stytene (ABS) plastic.
Substances that may cause damage include organic solvents
(ketones and esters, aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons),
alcohols, hydrocarbons, fuels, and UV radiation.
Repair and Maintenance Refer to Section 4 of this manual for instructions regarding
periodic maintenance of the 2150EX and its components.
Teledyne Isco, Inc.
Technical Service Dept.
P.O. Box 82531
Lincoln, NE 68501 USA
Phone: (800) 228-4373
(402) 464-0231
FAX: (402) 465-3085
The internal components of the 2150EX System are not user-ser-
viceable. The case is completely sealed to protect the internal
components. If you think your module requires repair, contact
Teledyne Isco’s Technical Service Department.
Rapidly failing desiccant may indicate a crack.
Any cracks in the module case will impair the safety
protection. If this occurs, return the unit to Teledyne Isco
for a replacement.
Components of the AV2150EX Sensor are encapsulated in plastic
resin and are not user-serviceable. If any part of the AV Sensor
fails, it must be replaced.