2150EX Area Velocity Flow Module
Section 1 Introduction
Table 1-5 Technical Specifications – 2150EX and 2191EX Modules
(Zones 0, 1, and 2)
Size (H×W×D)
2150EX connected to 2191EX 22.6 × 28.0 × 19.3 cm 8.9 × 11.0 × 7.6 in.
(without batteries)
(with lithium battery packs)
(with lead-acid battery packs)
3.00 kg 6.6 lb
4.20 kg 9.2 lb
7.10 kg 15.7 lb
Material ABS plastic, stainless steel
Enclosure (self-certified) NEMA 4X, 6P IP 68
Power 7.0 to 9.0 VDC, 100 mA typical at 8 VDC, 1 mA standby
Batteries LTC2191EX lithium or SLA2191EX lead-acid batteries, quantity 2 battery packs
Typical Battery Life (estimated)
(assumes 23°C; actual
performance is affected by
site conditions)
Level Velocity LTC2191EX SLA2191EX
Data Storage Interval Lithium Batteries Rechargeable Lead-Acid Batteries
15 minutes 49 months 157 days
5 minutes 21 months 64 days
2 minutes 8 months 31 days
1 minute 4 months 18 days
Operating Temperature -40° to 60°C -40° to 140°F
(lead-acid battery packs have an operating temperature of -20° to 60°C or -4° to 140°F)
Storage Temperature -40° to 60°C -40° to 140°F
Program Memory Non-volatile, programmable flash; can be updated using PC without opening
enclosure or entering hazardous area; retains user program after updating
Flow Rate Conversions Up to 2 independent level-to-area and/or level-to-flow rate conversions
Level-to-Area Conversions
Channel Shapes Round, U-shaped, rectangular, trapezoidal, elliptical, with silt correction
Data Points Up to 50 level-area points
Level-to-Flow Rate Conversions
Weirs V-notch, rectangular, Cipolletti, Isco Flow Metering Inserts, Thel-Mar
Flumes Parshall, Palmer-Bowlus, Leopold-Lagco, trapezoidal, H, HS, HL
Manning Formula Round, U-shaped, rectangular, trapezoidal
Data Points Up to 50 level-flow rate points
Equation 2-term polynomial
Total Flow Calculations Up to 2 independent, net, positive or negative, based on either flow rate conversion
Data Storage Memory Non-volatile flash; retains stored data during program updates
Capacity 395,000 bytes (up to 79,000 readings, equal to over 270 days of level and velocity
readings at 15 minute intervals, plus total flow and input voltage readings at 24
hour intervals). Bytes per reading is 5.
Data Types Level, velocity, flow rate 1, flow rate 2, total flow 1, total flow 2, input voltage
Storage Mode Rollover with variable rate data storage based on level, velocity, flow rate 1, flow
rate 2, total flow 1, total flow 2, or input voltage
Storage Interval 15 or 30 seconds; 1, 2, 5, 15 or 30 minutes; or 1, 2, 4, 12 or 24 hours
Setup and Data Retrieval Serial connection to IBM PC or compatible computer with Isco Flowlink Software
Version 4.16 or greater
Baud Rate 38,400