Clerk sign-on/sign-off operation
■ Sign-on operation
Prior to item entry, the clerk will be compelled to enter his or her assigned clerk code. However, this
may not be necessary if the POS terminal has been programmed for the clerk code entry as re-
designation mode.
Your POS terminal provides three systems for the sign-on/off operation; clerk code entry, contactless
clerk key and WMF clerk key systems.
Clerk code entry system: Clerks can be assigned by entering his or her clerk code in advance.
Clerk direct key system: Clerks can be assigned by touching his or her direct clerk key.
Contactless clerk key system: Clerks can be assigned by setting corresponding contactless clerk keys.
Any registration cannot be performed unless a contactless clerk key is
WMF clerk key system: Clerks can be assigned by inserting WMF clerk keys. (Continental
Europe only)
(Clerk code entry system)
Enter your clerk code, and touch [CLK#] or insert or set your clerk key.
Enter your password, if necessary.
In case of code entry
Enter the drawer number you use, if necessary.