• When Drink Dispenser Missoperation memory gets full
The registration of drink dispenser debit is prohibited. Please call your manager.
• When Reg Buffer gets full
The registration is prohibited. Please call your manager.
• When PLU memory gets full
The registration is prohibited. Please call your manager.
Emergency lock clear
You can clear the following lock status manually. When a lock status occurs, please refer to the
following procedure:
Open store Making the terminal “open store” status.
[Open Store]
Close store Making the terminal “close store” status.
[Close Store]
EJ clear Clearing the EJ memory, and clearing EJ memory full error.
[EJ Clear]
T-Log clear Clearing the T-Log memory, and clearing T-Log memory full error.
[T-log Clear]
Terminal Z CCD Clearing Terminal Z CCD error.
lock clear Procedure:
[Lock Clear]
When POS server is down
When your POS server is down, your POS terminal will display the window to select [Retry] or
[Shutdown]. Select either option.
You cannot operate your POS terminal until your POS server is recovered.