AWG — American Wire Gage
CR — Control Relay
HD — Heating Device
IFC — Indoor-Fan Contactor
IFR — Indoor-Fan Relay
kcmil — Thousand Circular Mils
LLS — Liquid Line Solenoid
NEC — National Electrical Code
(U.S.A. Standard)
R—Heating Relay (field-
supplied 24-v sealed coil,
10 va maximum rating)
RV — Reversing Valve
TB — Terminal Block
Factory Wiring
Field Wiring
Internal33CSUCE-06 relaycontacts arerated for1amp/24 vac.
fan operation on heating.
†Jumper removed only when separate 24-v trans-
relay pack.
1. Liquid line solenoid valve LLS-A is used for so-
lenoiddropon circuitA. Liquidlinesolenoidvalve
LLS-B is used for solenoid drop for circuit B.
2. Solenoid drop is a safety feature which pre-
ventsrefrigerantmigrationto thecompressordur-
ing the OFF cycle. It is recommended on all
systems andrequired on systemswhere piping
exceeds 75 ft (22.9 m) in length.
3. The 33CSUCE-06 relay pack requires 10 va.
4. Factory wiring is in accordance with NEC; field
modifications or additions must be in compli-
ance with all applicable codes.
5. Wiring for field power supply must be rated
75 Cminimum. Use copper, copper-clad alumi-
num, or aluminum conductors. Maximum in-
coming wire size for each terminal block is
500 kcmil.
6. Terminal blocks TB3 and TB4 are for external
field control connections. Control connections
are to be Class 1 wiring.
7. Field-supplied components (IFC, LLS-A, and
LLS-B) must have a maximum sealed coil rat-
ing of 30 va each (0.25 amp at 120 vac and
Fig. 20 — Field Wiring, One 2-Stage Thermostat — 38AH044-084 Dual-Circuit Units
0.13 amp at 230 vac). Thermostats must have a
minimum pilot duty rating of 300 va (2.5 amps at
120 vac and 1.3 amps at 230 vac).
8. Replacement of factory wires must be with type
105 C wire or its equivalent.
9. Field-supplied liquid line solenoid valves installed
at the evaporator are required on all units.
10. Units have 175 va of power available for field-
installed accessories.
11. To minimize voltage drop, the following wire sizes
are recommended:
Ft (M)
(35 C Minimum)
Up to 50
No. 18
No. 16
More Than 75
No. 14