84 Chapter 4 Using the Log and Transfer Window
Using the Logging Area
You can use the Logging area to modify a clip’s reel name and other descriptive
information before ingesting. Data entered here is stored with project clips after ingest.
The fields here are identical to the logging fields in the Log and Capture window. Press
Tab to move from field to field, and press Shift-Tab to move through fields in reverse.
You can reset clip logging fields and metadata by Control-clicking one or more clips in
the Browse area and choosing Revert to Original Metadata from the shortcut menu.
The following clip properties are reset: Reel, Name, Scene, Shot/Take, Angle, Log Note,
In, Out, and the clip’s playhead position.
Using Autofill Cache Logging Information
Unlike the fields in the Log and Capture window, the fields in the Logging area retain
an autofill cache of previously logged information in each field so that you can enter
repetitive information more quickly.
Note: Final Cut Pro adds logging information to the autofill cache only when a clip
is ingested.
To enter previously logged data from the autofill cache:
m Choose previously entered logging data from the pop-up menu next to the logging field.
To empty the autofill cache so that previously logged data does not appear
in logging fields:
1 In the upper-right corner of the Browse area, choose Preferences from the Action
pop-up menu.
2 Click Clear Logging Autofill Cache.
Logging fields
Increment button
Autofill pop-up menu