86 DB2 Manager User Guide
StorageTek Proprietary
PARMLIB requirements
The following ENVCNTL parameter library entries are used by the DB2
Manager control region during table migration processing. It should be
verified that these are set as required prior to the start of table migration
processing. If not, they may be altered via the DB2 Manager ‘SET’ operator
command (see page 58):
SMFRECID This parameter should be set to the identifier of the
SMF records to be created by DB2 Manager during
table migration processing, or set to 0 if no SMF
recording is to take place.
OBJSIZE This parameter should be set (or defaulted) to control
the maximum number of migrated rows to be stored
per Archive Manager object during table migration
processing. Note that the lower of the two values for
the ENVCNTL OBJSIZE parameter and the SYSIN
COMMIT parameter is used to determine the maximum
number of migrated rows per Archive Manager object.
WRITETIMEOUT This parameter will control the length of time that a
writer task will wait between receiving successive
requests when updating an Archive Manager database.
If no request is received when this time interval
expires, the writer task will disconnect the Archive
Manager database without committing updates. This
will cause the current tape volume to be dismounted,
and the database to be left in an “uncommitted”
condition. A rerun of the table migration job will then
be required with the execution parameter
“RESTART=YES” specified.
Print reports
The table migration utility will write a number of print reports to the
SYSPRINT dataset during execution. These consist of:
• Parameter specification and validation report. This will contain a list
of SYSIN parameters specified (or defaulted) for execution of the utility,
and a validation error report if errors are detected in parameter
specification. It will also specify the SQL migration selection statement
coded in the SQLIN file.
• Execution report. Any errors or warning conditions encountered during
execution of the utility will be identified in this report.
• Summary processing report. At end of processing, the utility will write
the summary processing report which will identify the total number of
table rows processed, and the total number migrated, up to the last
successful commit point (for runs which do not terminate successfully) or
up to end of processing (for successful runs).